“Sometimes I feel like I never actually make any of my own. Choices, I mean. My entire life it just seems I never…you know, had a real say about any of it. Now this last one, cancer…all I have left is how I choose to approach this.” ~Walter White

Of course there are good things to report.

  • I am still alive
  • Nothing particularly hurts anymore
    • not my nuts
    • not ejaculating
    • not urinating (well, mostly not)
  • ” … flexible sigmoidoscopy which demonstrated a persistent ulcer but not a large mass indicating a fairly significant response to therapy. ” ~surgeon’s progress report
  • ” …  tolerated the treatment well …” ~ibid, bodes well for chemo post-surgery
  • A wonderful friend brought over some great homemade cookies. Her instructions were to eat three a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.
  • The evening of the day I was originally told I had cancer I met a woman I was working with at 5:30, before our 6:00 meeting. She was grabbing Chinese food, offered to bring me something, and I simply said “surprise me.” Having no idea of my colonoscopy, my previous fast, my clean colon, nor my cancer, she brought me a half-dozen killer-spicy wonderful pork dumplings. They were great. The next time a doctor actually went “in” and looked, the tumor was gone, replaced with an ulcer! (see 3rd primary bullet above) I credit Ms. Nyet, 100%
  • Number of unique IPs reading this blog: 
  • I am emptying out my high tech company’s office, including a fair amount of office furniture in great shape. I could not find any takers and was days from simply filling a dumpster. Then my town’s fire department saw my notice, and is taking it all, gladly, for new training rooms. A perfect match at a perfect price, free.
  • As I am “putting my affairs in order” I keep finding out about affairs I did not know I had. Like the $5000 in unclaimed funds the state had in my name. Sheesh.

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